Invoice Finance

Invoice Finance

Financial advances for businesses with unpaid customer invoices

Do you have customers with businesses that have significant amounts of money tied up in outstanding invoices? We can help with invoice and purchase order finance solutions to provide them with advances on cash they are due from customers.

Having access to a large panel of lenders and products means we can help businesses:

 Access cash immediately that’s due to be paid

Handle large purchase orders by paying personnel, buying supplies and covering all related expenses.

Maintain a positive cash flow to ensure productivity is maintained Accept large orders from trusted companies by ensuring it has the        money for supplies

Can a business take out finance to free-up cash from unpaid invoices?

Businesses could use invoice finance to increase their capital finance to enable growth by:

Moving away from funding facilities which aren’t suited to customer buying patterns

Developing strong working relationship with lenders which understand the needs and nature of the business

Receiving funding with an above average utilisation basis

Maintaining and improving cash flow whilst waiting for invoices to be paid

A potential scenario of when a business could benefit from invoice finance

If a local hire company was frustrated with its current funding provider as it didn’t understand the nature of the business or buying pattern of its clients, this could present a cash flow problem – even though the hire firm had a very healthy annual turnover.

In this instance, we would review the case and work with a specialist lender which focuses on relationship management and has local discretion when underwriting is concerned.

Spending time understanding the business, developing a strong relationship and auditing the existing funding facility would be crucial so a more suitable solution could be put in place.

We have access to lenders which could provide funding lines with competitive terms and an above average utilisation basis. They could also increase or decrease the funding with a simple phone call.

Sometimes an ‘arm around’ approach works best to establish a true funding partner which can be relied on as part of a close and long-term working relationship.

6 Great Reasons to Choose Clever Lending

Get advances on cash due
We can help businesses to get advances on cash they are due from customers, rather than waiting for those customers to pay

Solutions for complex cases
Each case is assessed individually, and a solution recommended according to the circumstances

Bad credit accepted
We have a flexible underwriting approach to applicants who have adverse credit

Hundreds of products
Commercial loans available from £25,000 with no maximum. Fixed and variable rates with up to 100% LTV

We can handle case directly
We will work with you to get the right solution in place, or if you wish, deal directly with the customer on your behalf

Fast and convenient
Manage and track all cases at any time from any device using our online broker portal, Clever+

Why use a specialist distributer?

Gone are the days of a ‘computer says no’ process when it comes to lending. You will have customers in a wide range of circumstances who need finance and the best solution may not be immediately obvious.

That’s where we step in. We can help by:

  • Reviewing cases thoroughly and sourcing the most appropriate lender and product for each customer – giving you more time to deal with the more straightforward applications
  • Turning your applications around quicker. From completing the fact-find, to collating documents, we can free up your time so you can concentrate on helping more customers
  • Providing recommendations to your customers and being responsible for any advice we give
  • Improving your customer relationships by ensuring they receive appropriate advice in specialist areas from product experts. This will ensure we offer solutions that best meet their needs
  • Giving you access to products from a large panel of lenders – some of which you may not be able to access elsewhere

About Clever Lending

We will do everything we can to ensure your cases complete and provide your customers with the most suitable products for their individual circumstances. We provide:

  • Expert product knowledge on the latest products with some of the lowest rates on the market
  • A flexible service working either with you on a case or dealing with customers directly – whichever you prefer
  • Competitive commission rates
  • A fully compliant service with clear audit trails helping you with any regulatory obligations

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